UGG story – Povestea UGG-urilor

Deopotriva iubite si detestate, faimoasele cizme UGG si-au inceput istoria pe plajele din Byron Bay, Australia, pe la inceputul anilor ’70. Acum au intrat in garderoba fashionistelor de pretutindeni, dar datorita aspectului functional, lipsit de feminitate, sunt contestate la capitolul stil de multe dintre vocile importante din moda.
– in Byron Bay au fost mai intaii incaltamintea preferata a surferilor.
Acestia purtau cizme din piele de oaie imblanita inainte si dupa ce faceau surf, pentru a-si mentine picioarele uscate si calde. Desi totul a inceput pe plajele din Australia, nu a trecut mult timp pana cand cizmele au fost adoptate si in moda strazii, punandu-se astfel bazele unuia dintre cele mai cunoscute brand-uri de fashion din ziua de azi, UGG Australia. Treptat, calduroasele cizme UGG a luat cu asalt orasele mari, iar mai apoi toate capitalele modei, facand astfel senzatie printre vedete si fashioniste de pretutindeni.

Designul usor de recunoscut a propulsat cizmele UGG in garderoba de zi cu zi, transfomandu-le intr-un trend cu o influenta mare asupra iubitoarelor modei. La asta ise adauga beneficiilor termice de necontestat si versatilitatea cimelor, usor de introdus in diverse tipuri de tinute, de la cele sport la cele boho sic. Cu putina imaginatie, combinatiile pot fi nenumarate, cizmele UGG putand fi purtate atat intr-o tinuta casual, cu jeansi trendy, asa cum le poarta si Sarah Jessica Parker, cat si intr-o tinuta sic, cu pantaloni din piele, in stilul actritei Tara Reid.

De-a lungul timpului, clasicele cizme UGG au fost transformate in piese must have pentru sezonul rece, datorita unor colectii speciale, in editie limitata, cum a fost cea lansata de Jimmy Choo in 2010

Desi vedetele prefera mai degraba modelul clasic, eu am ales sa va prezint o serie de modele speciale, menite sa dea un plus de personalitate oricarei tinute. Asa cum era de asteptat, brandul UGG s-a dezvoltat mult la nivel de design, tinand pasul cu tendintele internationale. Iar printre preferatele mele se numara modelul tip biker, cu accente rock Classic Tall Dylyn si modelul haios, cu imprimeu zebra alb-negru, Classic Short Exotic. Insa pentru cele curajoase, care intr-adevar doresc sa faca o declaratie de stil (si nu numai), am ales modelul Bailey “I DO”, din colectia special destinata mireselor nonconformiste.

Cu toate acestea, evolutia si faima celebrelor cizme UGG nu a fost lipsita de controverse, numeroase contestatii si proteste au fost facute la adresa acestora. Desi fashionistele din toata lumea le poarta cu incredere si atitudine, acestea au fost declaratei nepotrivite pentru garderoba unei femei stilate si elegante. Totodata, industria UGG-urilor a fost indelung criticata si de catre o serie de asociatii pentru protectia animalelor.

De asemenea,calsicele cizme UGG sunt unul dintre modelele de incaltaminte cel mai frecvent imitate. Asadar, in cazul in care doriti sa va achizitionati propria pereche, va recomand sa o faceti fie de pe site-ul, fie din reteaua magazinelor de outleturi.


Both loved and hated, the famous UGG boots began their history on the beaches of Byron Bay, Australia, in the early 70s. It entered the wardrobe of fashionistas everywhere, but due to functional aspects, masculine, are challenged in terms of style many important voices in fashion.
– In Byron Bay were the first shoes of choice for surfers.
They wore furry sheepskin boots before and after surfing to keep their feet dry and warm. Although all began on the beaches of Australia, it was not long before the boots were adopted in street fashion, thus putting up one of the most famous fashion brands today, UGG Australia. Gradually, heartfelt UGG boots stormed cities, and then all the fashion capitals, making sensation among celebrities and fashionistas everywhere.

Recognizable design propelled UGG boots in your daily wardrobe, transfomandu them a great influence on the trend of fashion aficionados. Ise that adds heat to the undisputed benefits and versatility CIME, easily inserted into various kinds of outfits, from sports to the boho chic. With a little imagination, the combinations are endless, ugg boots can be worn both in casual attire with trendy jeans as they wear and Sarah Jessica Parker, and a chic outfit with leather pants, style actress Tara Reid.

Over time, classic ugg boots were converted into parts must have for the cold season due to special collections, limited edition, like the one launched by Jimmy Choo in 2010

Although stars would rather classical model, I chose to present a series of special models designed to give added personality to any outfit. As expected, the UGG brand has grown much in design, keeping pace with international trends. And among my favorites include model type biker, rock accents Classic Tall Dylyn funny model with black and white zebra print, Exotic Short Classic. But for the brave who really want to make a style statement (and beyond), I chose the Bailey „I DO”, the specially designed bridal collection nonconformist.

However, the evolution and the famous UGG boots fame has not been without controversy, numerous appeals and protests were made against them. Although fashionistas from all over the world wear them with confidence and attitude, they were inappropriate for a woman’s wardrobe Statement stylish and elegant. Also, UGG industry sites and has been widely criticized by a number of animal welfare organizations.

Also clasics  UGG boots are one of the models most frecvently imitated shoes. So if you want to purchase your own pair, I recommend you do either site or from network outlets stores.


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